What a season that was! My poor blog has been utterly neglected, mostly due to lack of internet access and spare time for the last eight months. It's been a crazy and wonderful season. Here it is summarised in photo form.
In April, Wally and I were on holiday in Fontainebleau |
In July I experienced the warm heart of Africa on an expedition to Malawi |
We trekked on Mt Mulanje for six days. |
In August, I explored my home with clients.
This is the lovely waterfall along the shore west of Kildonan. |
A rainbow above Glen Sannox |
September saw me expeditioning again.
This is The Hutchison Memorial Hut in the Cairngorms. |
It's October now, and I'm back to enjoying Arran!
This is the ridge of the Warrior looking along to Suidhe Feargus. |